ONE44CharlaXFabelsAsk me Why?You ask why?The answer is because.You ask why I follow this Jesus. Why I love Him the way I do? When the world's turned away from His teachings and the people who serve Him are few. Define service you, tell me just what you expected me to do. It's not the rewards I'm after Or...
116onesix116onesix CharlaXFabels TESTED There is a personal testimony and everyone's focus is on the group and on the self and not on JESUS where it was supposed to be the reason eye won't go to fellowship with rich working Christians meeting at a SUNDAY SUPPER to drive to a pizza place where everyo...
J is for JesusJ is for Jesus J e s u s is for JESUS J is for jerked around by the ROMANS E is for everone can go to Heaven now S is for Someone there will love us. U is for ewe for ewe are my adorement. S is now for sustenance for HE is the broken bread that feeds the all of us. The altered altar made to finish works and...
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