The first book of Anastasia Novykh Sensei presents a fascinating philosophy, an unusual world-view, the knowledge of the world and of a human being, dynamic techniques of oriental martial arts, wisdom in everyday situations, alternative medicine, ancient spiritual practices (including effective techniques of fighting against negative thoughts), phenomena of human abilities.
All books of the author are: «Sensei», «Sensei-II», «Sensei-III», «Sensei-IV», «Birds and a stone», «Cross-road», «Ezoosmos».
Extract from the book of Anastasia Novykh «Sensei»:
«This spiritual practice is called a Lotus Flower. It consists of the following. You imagine that you plant a seed of a lotus inside, to the regions of a solar plexus.. And this small seed grows due to the power of Love generated by your positive thoughts. Thus controlling a growth of this flower you get rid artificially of negative thoughts that constantly turn over in your head.
-Why, do we really all the time think of negative things? Ruslan asked.
-Of course, - Sensei answered Just follow your thoughts carefully. People share a lot of time to visualization of different conflict situations, negative memories of the past, they imagine as they quarrel, prove something, deceive someone or hit back, they think of their illnesses, material deprivations and so on. It means they always keep a lot of negative thoughts in their mind.
And by doing this practice you intentionally under your internal control get rid of all these negative thoughts. And the more positive image will you keep in your mind, the quicker growth of this seed of Love will you get. In the beginning you imagine that a seed starts growing, and a small stalk appears. It grows further, leaves cover the stalk, then comes a small flower bud. And finally getting more and more of the power of Love the bud blossoms out into a Lotus. The Lotus Flower is at first golden but on growing on it becomes dazzling white.
- And how much time does it take it to grow out? I asked.
- Actually it depends on you. Some people need years, the others - just months, or days, or even seconds. All depends on your desire, whether you will make your efforts. It is necessary not only to grow out this flower, but also to support it all the time by the power of your Love so that it would not fade or die. This constant feeling of growth is to be held by you at the level of subconsciousness or, to say it more precisely, at the level of a controllable remote consciousness. The more you give Love to this little flower, cherish it in your mind, take care of it, protect it from surrounding negative influence, the more it grows. This flower is generated by the energy of Love, I emphasize, by the internal energy of Love. And the more you feel Love towards the whole world, to all the people and to your surrounding, the bigger the flower becomes. And if you start to get angry the flower becomes weak, if you break in strong anger the flower fades and becomes ill. Then it is necessary to make maximum of efforts in order to restore it. It is some kind of a control.
Thus, when this flower blossoms and starts to increase in size, it starts to emit vibrations instead of the smell, the so-called leptons or gravitons, call them as you like, that is, the energy of Love. You feel moving petals of this flower that bring vibrations to all your body, to all the space around you, irradiating Love and Harmony to the world.
-And is it somehow felt at the physical level? Eugene asked.
-Yes. The Lotus can be felt as though the regions of a solar plexus are burning, spreading heat. That is, these feelings arise in the regions of a solar plexus where, as legends say, our soul is hidden. These regions start getting warmer and warmer. The main sense of all of this is that wherever you are, with whomever you are or whatever you do or think, you should always feel this heat, heat that warms not only your body but you soul. This internal concentration of Love is located in the flower. Finally, the more you take care of it, glorify this Love, the more you feel that this flower expands, surrounds tightly your body with its petals and that you stands inside of the huge Lotus.
And then it comes to a very important point. When you reach the stage when Lotus petals surround you from all the sides, you feel two flowers. One is inside under your heart that warms all the time by the feeling of internal Love. Another one, the bigger, like the astral shell of this flower that surrounds you and, on the one hand, it irradiates the vibration of Love to the world and, on the other hand, it protects yourself from the negative influence of other people. Thus works the cause-effect law. To put it by the language of physics, there is a wave effect. To say it briefly, you irradiate waves of the good intensifying them manifold and creating thus a graceful wave field. This wave field is felt all the time by you and is supported by your heart and soul of Love, meanwhile impacts positively not only yourself but also the surrounding world.
What happens due to the everyday practice. First, you always control your thoughts, learn to concentrate yourself on positive things. Therefore you are not automatically able to wish bad things to anybody or to be bad. This practice should be done every day and every second. And this is for the whole life. It is some kind of distraction method as nobody can fight negative thoughts by force. Love cannot be compelled. Therefore you should distract your attention. If a negative or undesirable thought comes, you concentrate on your flower, you start to give your Love to it, that is, your forget all the negative things artificially. Or your switch your attention to something else, to something positive. But you feel the flower all the time: going to bed, getting up, at night, during the day, whatever you do when studying, working, doing sports etc. You feel how Love flares up, how currents of Love are moving in your chest and are filling all your body. How this flower starts heating inside, with some special warmth, the divine warmth of Love. And the more you give, the bigger is Love inside. Constantly irradiating this Love, you perceive people already from the position of Love. That is, second, what is very important you tune up yourself to the frequency of the good.
And the good means success, luck, health. It means everything! You start feeling happier and that has a positive impact on your mind. And CNS (central nervous system) is the main regulator of the vital activity. Therefore, first of all, this practice improves your health. Besides, your life becomes smoother as you start finding reconciliation with everybody. Nobody wants to quarrel with you, you are welcome everywhere. You will not have any big problems. Why? Because even if some troubles happen in your life, as life is life, you start perceiving them in a completely different way than just ordinary people. Because you have already a new vision of the life that helps you to find the most optimal decision well adjusted to the situation. Because the Wisdom of life awakens in you, you start feeling yourself a Man, you come to understanding who is the God, that the God is an everywhere substance, and not just a fantasy of a few idiots. You start feeling the divine presence in yourself and strengthen this power by your positive thoughts and feelings. You will never feel alone in this world anymore as the God is in you and with you, you feel His real presence. There is an expression If you are in Love, you are in the God, and the God is in you as the God is Love. Also it is very important that you start feeling the aura of the flower which is inside and outside of you.
-And how is the aura felt around the body? Stas asked.
-With the lapse of time you see this vibration around yourself as a light glow. The air seems to become lighter and more transparent, and the surrounding world turns to more intensive in its colours for your eyes. And the most fascinating thing is that people start noticing these transformations in you. There is a common expression a man glows, shines. That actually means the glow if this wave field resulting from work of Love in the individual. People surrounding him also start feeling this field. They are glad when this Individual is somewhere near, they start also feeling joy, internal excitement. Many people are getting better. They will feel good even in his presence however sick they have been. Everybody is attracted by this person wishing to open him their hearts and souls. That means that people perceive Love. This is the open Gate of Heart towards the God. That means what all the Great souls told and what was meant by Jesus when he said Open your heart to the God.
This spiritual practice of Lotus was used since the times immemorial. Since olden times the Lotus was said to bear Gods, the God awakens in the Lotus. In the meaning that a divine substance a soul awakens in the Lotus flower, in Harmony and Love inside of you. You should always take care of your flower, controlling all the time your thoughts and feelings so that the Lotus flower would not fade.
-And is there a real flower? Slava asked with surprise.
-No. The material flower does not exist there, of course. It is a kind of imagination. This process can be called in a different way: awakening of divine Love, reaching enlightenment, full unity with the God moksha, dao, shinto. Call it as you like. But all of this is just words and religion. And in fact it means that you create by your positive thoughts and feeling of love a certain force field that effects, on the one hand, the real world around you and, on the other hand, changes the internal frequency of your mind.
-And the soul? I asked.
-And the soul is you, it is a kind of an eternal generator of divine power, if you wish, but it needs to be activated by your constant thoughts of Love Later I will tell you about the soul and its meaning in details.
But then Kostya joined a discussion:
-And you have said that this practice is very ancient. How old is it?
-I have already told you that it exists as long as people exist as Homo Sapiens.
-Well, how long, seven, ten thousand years?
-You take a too short period of time. The mankind in its civilized form has also existed a lot of times before, even with much higher technologies than now. Another thing is why these civilizations have disappeared. Once I will also tell you about it.
-But if this practice is so ancient, there should be some memory records of it in our civilization.
-Certainly. The fact that the spiritual practice of the Lotus Flower has existed long time ago may be proven by various ancient sources. The Lotus was given, for example, to some Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. And if you look for the literature on this issue, you will receive evidence that Egyptian myths and legends say that even their God of Sun was born out of the flower of Lotus. This flower served as a throne for Isis, Horus, Osiris.
In ancient Veda, the oldest Hinduism books written already in Sanskrit, the Lotus is one of the central issues. In particular, considering three main male incarnations of the God Brahma-Creator, Vishnu-Protector and Shiva-Destroyer they say also the following: the body of the God Vishnu bore a giant golden Lotus with Lotus-born Brahma-Creator on it. The golden thousand-petals lotus was growing and the Universe followed it growing.
Still in China and also in India this flower reflects purity and chastity. The best human qualities and intentions were associated by people with lotus. In China they think that there is a special Western heaven with a lotus lake and every flower growing there is bound with a soul of a died man. If an individual was virtuous, his flower blossomed out, otherwise the flower faded.
In Greece the lotus was considered to be a plant devoted to the Goddess Hera. Hercules made his voyage in a sunny lotus-shaped boat.
But all these are legends and myths although not so made-up by people. They appeared due to the real facts of self-development of people due to this ancient spiritual practice. As earlier the animal nature prevailed in most of people, therefore the Lotus Flower was given only to the chosen ones, spiritually mature individuals. And it is natural that other people regarded later these individuals as Gods. Because an individual with a grown-up Lotus and awakened soul becomes God-like as he can create in Love just by his thought.
And when the times of spiritual education of most of people came, Bodhisattvas of Shambala gave this spiritual practice to Buddha. Due to practicing this technique of the Lotus, Siddhartha Gautama reached Enlightenment sitting under the Bodhi tree. On approval of Rigden, Buddha gave it to his disciples for further wide-spreading within people. Unfortunately, people distorted with a time the teaching of Buddha and created the whole religion based on this practice. It resulted in the fact that following this religion even the Buddhists themselves imagine their paradise as an unusual place where people are born like Gods on the lotus flower. They are looking for this place although it is always inside of them. They made up a God even from Buddha although he had been just a Man who had known the truth due to this spiritual practice. In such a way the Lotus became a symbol of Buddhism, there is even an expression Buddha sits in a lotus or Buddha stands in a lotus. He has just shown people by his example what an individual can reach by defeating his animal nature. He has really done a lot of useful things for spiritual development of the mankind by wide-spreading this spiritual practice among people in its original form.
The same prayer was given by Jesus Christ to revoke the divine Love.
-Does it mean that the prayer and the meditation are the same things? Tatiana asked.
-Actually, yes. The Jesus prayer Our Farther is the same. It is just so simple, people ask for bread and so on but the main sense is the same: an individual develops himself, grows out his soul by controlling his thoughts, by his desire, by his firm Belief and Love.
In general, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed and all the Great souls knew this spiritual practice as they used the same source. It helped them not only to become themselves but also to help other people to know their divine nature. Why was it so pleasant for all to be near Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed? Why are saint people said to shine? Why dont we like to leave strangers on meeting them? Because they irradiate this Love. Because they always strengthen this power, the power of good, the power of Love, the power of this divine emanation in people. They say: the God is in this man. And it is true.
-So, does it mean that you should just think with Love about this flower? Andrew asked.
-No. You should not only concentrate yourself and think over it but the most important is to awake this feeling of warmth in the regions of a solar plexus and to support it all the time by your positive thoughts. Not everybody can reach it at once. Therefore you should go into the root of the matter, get the more realistic view of it, and, I repeat, awake all these feelings. Why do I attract your attention to it? Because when an individual awakens these feelings he starts supporting them not just with his mind but also at the level of his subconsciousness. And it leads to awakening of the soul. It just cant but awakens. And the more Love you share, the more will it be awakened, and the faster you will become yourself, as you have always been inside, and not in your external mortal body shell.
And keeping silence for a while Sensei added:
- Life is too short and youd better advance in glorifying your spiritual nature
-- Edited by Anne on Wednesday 21st of July 2010 01:53:33 AM
-- Edited by Anne on Wednesday 21st of July 2010 01:54:53 AM